Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Neanderthals 'R' Us

        Thousands of years ago we weren't the only humans on Earth, there were different species of humans. One of those species were the neanderthals. They lived among humans but for some reason they went extinct and we survived. Through time researched has showed that at one point neanderthals had sex with humans like us. That means that although neanderthals may be extinct from Earth they still live in us. Most people have neanderthal genes in their DNA.

How life began on earth

      Life on earth probably began with chemistry. There were different types of chemicals that bonded together. The chemicals had to be mixed in a specific order. Sugar, prosphate, and and bases then joined to help life start. Then chemistry was known as biology.

How Did Life on Earth Probably Begin?

             Life on Earth probably began with the help of chemistry. Chemicals were most likely mixed together in a specific way. That specific way probably created some of the factors of life. It may have created sugars, bases, and phosphates which joined forces to make a set of instructions for life.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Responding to Gattaca

"I was never more certain of how far away i was from my goal than when i was standing right beside it"- Vincent