Friday, April 19, 2013

Bee Essay (Final Draft)

               Bees have helped human beings for a long time. To some cultures bees are sacred and special animals. Due to the fact that many people don't know of the help bees provide to the environment, they have not noticed that bees have been disappearing in the last decade. The number of bees that have disappeared it's not small, it's huge. A lot of people hate bees because they sting, so they are happy that they are disappearing. If those people knew about the help bees provide to many organisms, then they would realize that it's a really bad thing that the population of bees is decreasing. What is it gonna take for people to react to the situation? Maybe when 40% of our veggies disappear people will realize the importance of protecting bees.
               Bees provide a lot of help to the environment and do a lot of things to it too. Have you ever tasted that gold, sweet, and liquidy thing we know as honey? Well honey comes from the hard work of bees. Humans use honey for a lot of things. Honey is not the only thing bees make, they also make wax. Wax is also used by humans for a lot of things just like honey. They're most important job is to pollinate flowers and plants. Some of the plants that they pollinate produce vegetables and fruits we eat today. Although there are other animals that pollinate plants, but bees are the ones that help our planet the most. They basically live just to feed most living things and the other bees.
               Although bees produce almost half of the vegetables that we consume, the average human is not aware of that. The percentage  of veggies that bees help produce is decreasing as the bees are disappearing. When bees and that 40% of vegetables disappear, people will finally open their eyes and realize the importance of bees. However, by the time that happens it will be too late, so people need to receive and look for information about bees. People need to start helping bees to prevent them from going extinct. This can be done in a lot of ways. For example, information about the decreasing in the bee population can be provided to the public. Caring for bees of your own can also help stop the death of bees.
               In conclusion, the sooner bees are helped the better it will be.  Bees help not only humans, but also other living things and the environment. They seem to never get any help from anyone, so it's time to react and help bees survive so that the environment can keep on living. Without bees humans will eventually disappear. It's time to help bees! 

Bee Essay (Final)

The idea that bees in america are dieing because of man-made products that are intended to help, protect and quick production is an outrage. The added matter people do not know of this is saddening. It will take effort and planning or even disaster striking to get people attention on such a important matter.

For People to get the message that bees are disappearing  is to either pass along a strong message everyone will see or the the lack of honey products and anything kinds of food that was pollinated by bees. With both these possibilities I believe that the loss of food will be the biggest impact to make people notice the importance of bees to the human race and how we are important to them.
As sad as it may be it will come to the missing food, try as we will to spread the word we won’t get the amount of people for change. I was actually starting to get interested in bees before watching the movie which helped me understand them more and what is happening to them and how they are being treated, which brings me great sorrow that many people don’t know about this matter.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Neanderthals 'R' Us

        Thousands of years ago we weren't the only humans on Earth, there were different species of humans. One of those species were the neanderthals. They lived among humans but for some reason they went extinct and we survived. Through time researched has showed that at one point neanderthals had sex with humans like us. That means that although neanderthals may be extinct from Earth they still live in us. Most people have neanderthal genes in their DNA.

How life began on earth

      Life on earth probably began with chemistry. There were different types of chemicals that bonded together. The chemicals had to be mixed in a specific order. Sugar, prosphate, and and bases then joined to help life start. Then chemistry was known as biology.

How Did Life on Earth Probably Begin?

             Life on Earth probably began with the help of chemistry. Chemicals were most likely mixed together in a specific way. That specific way probably created some of the factors of life. It may have created sugars, bases, and phosphates which joined forces to make a set of instructions for life.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Responding to Gattaca

"I was never more certain of how far away i was from my goal than when i was standing right beside it"- Vincent

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Responding to GATTACA

"They have you looking so hard for flaws that in the end that is all you look for."-Vincent

Irene's job at GATTACA is to look and stop the invalids from coming in the building. She does that so often that when her and Vincent go out she is only worried about his genes. When Vincent tells her that he is an invalid she goes in to shock because all along that is what she was worried about. She was never worried about the type of person that Vincent is. Irene only cares about genes not personality. This is why Vincent tells her that she is to focused on her job that she only seems to care if someone is an invalid or a valid.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

One of a Kind: The Wonders of Biodiversity

      My group is experimenting with a broccoli plant. Our plant is quite big and green. It has already sprouted some flowers. I predict that our plant's offsprings will have some of the traits but not all of them. This will happen by looking at what traits have dominant and/or recessive alleles. The offspring will have traits from both parents. They will get these traits by going through meiosis as a gamete. During meiosis a gamete gets 23 chromosomes from each parent. half from the mother and the other half from the father. Our plant will pass its genetic information on to the next generation via meiosis. our plants offspring will not look like our plant because in the process of meiosis identical cells are not produced. The plant that we are growing looks different from the other plants that our classmates are growing because they got different traits. this happened because of dominant and recessive alleles. So many different forms of the species that our plant is from were created because of the different breeding throughout time. They may look different but they are all still family and come from the same ancestors.

  Brassica oleracea

Thursday, January 17, 2013