Wednesday, November 21, 2012

We Need to Know

We Need to Know
Currently, a lot of companies do not show the ingredients in their foods to those  who are consuming it. Companies do this for their own benefits because if people see the ingredients they may not buy their products. However, people want the companies to share what they put in their products. They want this because those ingredients determine their health. They also affect their present and future. Consumers are concerned because of bacteria, E. Coli, and other things that do harm to humans. E. Coli is the thing people are more concerned because it has killed several people in the past.
If companies want to have more customers they should share their ingredients with the world. Companies should do this so that the customers can make better decisions that will benefit the companies with profits.This will happen because the customers will trust more the companies who share their ingredients. Then the companies will have more customers which means that they will make more profits.
Even though people should have the right to know what is in the food they consume some people believe companies should not share their ingredients because they are not forcing anyone to buy their products. There is no law in the United States that forces people to buy anything. However, if people do not buy products that companies produce the companies will not succeed. Therefore, it is better for  companies should share their ingredients because it will benefit them and the people consuming the products.
In conclusion, companies should share the ingredients in their products so they can earn more customers. They should also do this it will benefit them and the people in many ways. People should have the right to know what is in the foods they consume.

We have the right to know

We Have The Right To Know
As of right now, several food companies don’t share the ingredients they put in the food they make. They do this because it will be a violation to the companies rules and the workers can lose money from their checks if they aren't doing what they are suppose to. Food companies should label the ingredients in the food they make because food quality determines people’s health and it will help people make better choices on what to buy..
One reason why food companies should share the ingredients in the food they make is because food quality determines people’s health. For example, if an adult or child is allergic to a certain ingredient or they can’t eat certain foods because of health reasons, they won’t know what’s in the food because the ingredients are not labeled. Many people want to see the ingredients in their food so that they can protect their health and or their child’s health. Therefore, people should have the right to know what’s in their food.
Another reason why food companies should label the ingredients in their food is because it will help people make better choices on what to buy. For instance, if a person is at a store and they are determining what type of food is healthier for them they won’t be able to make their choice because the ingredients isn’t labeled. Without the food ingredients labeled, people will have a hard time determining which food is healthier. Therefore, food companies should label the ingredients in the food they make.
Others may think that the food companies that don’t label the food they make won’t be as much of an issue because people are not forced to buy any particular food in the U.S if they don’t want to. People who complain about not knowing the ingredients in the food are not forced to buy it.They can easily look for something else to buy that shows the ingredients.However, knowing what’s in the food will help protect people’s health and help make better choices on what to buy.
In conclusion, People should have the right to know what’s in their food because food quality determines people’s health and it will help people know what food is healthier for them.